food as fuel,  immune/gut health,  mind/body

Stress…It’s a B!$@#

Stress sucks.  But, it’s inevitable.  We all experience it, some times more than others.

It’s how you handle stress that effects your health in the long run. Fingernail-chewing, sleep deprivation, and more coffee – these are less than ideal forms of compensating. More traditionally, proper stress relief has involved coping mechanisms, unwinding, and downloading.  Whether it is sipping on a glass of wine, taking a bubble bath, watching a favorite tv show, going for a run or getting a massage, it is important to identify what works for you once stress rears its ugly head.

But what about mitigating stress’s impact before it starts? In other words, how do we manage stress from the view of prevention?

For this, we need to first identify what it is that brings ourselves contentment; what actions/obligations am I’m willing to perform (and for how long), and what in my life no longer serves a purpose for me and my family.

The goal is to fill my day with obligations that I choose to do: obligations that, at the very least – I am an active participant in. After all, the most draining activities are often those which we feel begrudgingly compelled to do.  Once upon a time I worked in a corporate position, working long days in the office only to take my laptop home for still more work on the weekend. I would wake up early to get a workout in because I knew that I would be chained to my desk for the next 8-12 hours. It wasn’t long before my ‘work/life balance’ turned into ‘work/life disharmony’ and, eventually, work with an occasional sprinkling of life. Burnout was inevitable.

I have since learned that I needed to be better at setting boundaries from the get go!  This is true in all areas of life.  Set yourself up for success by communicating exactly what you are – and are not – willing to do.

But there’s more that we can do.  I am a firm believer in the notion that food is fuel.  Fuel your body correctly and it will take you places (and take care of you!).  As Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” A regular practice of proper nutrition can help you manage the daily stressors more sustainably, just as movement, meditation and spirituality can.

So to get your hamster wheels turning, here’s a look at my DAILY NUTRITION INTENTIONS:

Therapeutic foods; bone broth, collagen, greens, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, eggs, salt, coconut oil, butter and lemons (check out why these are my top 10 here with my full article)

Healthy fats – ensuring that I get enough healthy fat throughout my day will help me feel satiated and support my hormone production.  If I wasn’t getting enough of these nutrients, it would signal a state of stress to my system.  Coconut oil and butter are two of my favorites that make it onto my breakfast plate almost daily.  Avocado, nuts, seeds and high quality animal fat are a few more.

Animal protein – I consume animal protein every day.  It contains all of the essential amino acids my muscles need to help repair and rebuild any damage (aka. stress) they’ve taken on, intentional or not.

Lactogenic foods – as a busy mom the last thing I want to do is stress about my milk supply, and while I’ve had no issues thus far (knock on wood), there’s no reason I shouldn’t continue to support my milk production with a few easy additions to my diet. I literally almost always have a batch of these Lactation cookies in my fridge or freezer. Basil is such a pleasant addition to the yard and plate and this Mothers Milk Tea is an easy on hand resource that is such a soothing way to start or end your day.  The MOBI has a great list of lactogenic foods here.

Veggies – I am a nutritionist that is constantly striving to eat more veggies!!! (insert mom fail emoji here lol) I don’t like to eat too many vegetables raw – they’re hard to digest and my tummy doesn’t process them well either – so to ensure that I get all my veggies meal prep is key. Washing, cutting, and any other prep I can do on Sunday to ensure I get them on the table is a big help!

Water – I’m always trying to drink more water.  Whenever I think of it – I grab a glass.  Ample water intake is especially important as a breastfeeding mom!  Water helps to boost the immune system, flush out toxins, increase energy and among other things maintain regularity (who’s with me in saying being backed up can be stressful?!) Think of water as the drain-o for your body!  While I’m sure a plumber would hate this analogy, it works for me 😉 Water will help keep things moving through your system as they should!

Evening Elixir – I wind down my evening with a cup of some kind of hot beverage. Hot beverages sooth the soul and keep inflammation at bay! My favorite: bone broth when I’m looking to do some ‘repair’ after an upset stomach, achy joints or or a tough workout. Other times, I’ll opt for hot water and lemon when I’m not feeling well or have had too much sugar throughout the day.  Chamomile tea when I’ve eaten something unknowingly that has caused my GI system to revolt.

Dark chocolate – I am being 100% honest when I say I have chocolate almost every day.  I don’t eat an entire box of candy, but I do have a few dark chocolate covered almonds or a square of plain dark chocolate.  Dark chocolate has a slew of health benefits, notably a spectrum of minerals such as manganese, magnesium and copper and iron. Dr. Axe has a great article on dark chocolate if you’re looking to read more!

Coffee – I’m a new mom – it’s happening.  HAH! While you may laugh when I say I only drink decaf – I must profess that it affects me as caffeinated would most people. I enjoy 1 cup (occasionally 2) of Bulletproof Swiss water press decaf to avoid any harsh chemicals and get all of the benefits (research shows even just smelling coffee can help combat stress!)


Grocery Shopping. Exciting I know 😉 But in all seriousness grocery shopping is like a hobby for me.  I love to shop, I love to plan out meals for the week, I love to cook, and I love to eat so this is where it all comes together!  I’ll usually hit multiple locations (local grocers and farmer’s markets to get what’s local and in-season, as well as some more staple items).

Batch cooking refrigerator items – Yes it takes time, but if you can devote a bit of time once a week it will save you in the long run!  I wash and prep my produce for the week, make marinades, and bake potatoes to save me even a few minutes each day.  It’s the difference between having veggies with dinner because you have time to throw them in the steamer or not because you’re working against the clock.


Batch cooking freezer items (bone broth, lactation cookies, soup, pesto, and other misc. items) 1-2 times per month

Thrive Market orders – I love Thrive Market!  You can get all of the goodness from Whole Foods with less of the pocket coin $$$ AND you don’t have to battle traffic (or a screaming toddler confined to a car seat 😉 ) This is a great resource for your pantry items.

Butcher Box orders – Admittedly I am a meat snob – but for good reason.  I want high quality meat (no antibiotics or hormones) and I want to know my meat had a good life.  By sourcing my meat through Butcher Box I am able to feel confident that all of the above is true.  Similar to Thrive Market, you’re also saving money when ordering in bulk.

So… Stack yourself for success.  Be present.  Learn to say yes and no.  Move every day.  Have girls (or boys) nights out.  Take a bubble bath.  Get adjusted.  And for goodness sake – FUEL YOUR BODY.